The Scanbot SDK is now available for the .NET MAUI framework, allowing enterprises to integrate reliable data capture solutions into their mobile applications. The SDKs, including the Barcode Scanner, Document Scanner, and Data Capture SDKs, help companies eliminate manual data entry and improve the user experience. The.NET MAUI framework offers better performance and productivity compared to its predecessor, Xamarin.Forms. Scanbot SDK will continue to support Xamarin until May 2024 when Microsoft ends its official support. The MAUI framework also includes platform-specific APIs for easier access to native device functionalities. Companies can try the Scanbot.NET MAUI SDK with a free 7-day trial license. This information is for general purposes only and does not constitute financial advice.

Scanbot SDK Enhances Cross-Platform App Development with .NET MAUI Support: A Game-Changer in Data Capture Solutions

In a significant move for the tech world, Scanbot SDK, a trusted name in data capture solutions, has announced its support for the .NET MAUI framework. This development opens a new avenue for enterprises to integrate Scanbot’s reliable data capture solutions seamlessly into their mobile applications.

The Power of Scanbot SDK

For businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve efficiency, Scanbot SDK offers an array of dependable tools including Barcode Scanner, Document Scanner and Data Capture SDKs. These tools offer an effective solution to eliminate error-prone manual data entry tasks that often slow down productivity.

Over 200 enterprises worldwide trust Scanbot SDK’s products for billions of scans every year. Their solutions are available natively for iOS, Android, Windows, Web and soon Linux. Developers can also use them on all common cross-platform frameworks like Xamarin, React Native and Flutter.

The Rise of .NET MAUI Framework

The new addition to Scanbot’s supported platforms is the .NET MAUI framework. This tool allows developers to create native user interfaces and applications across multiple platforms using a single codebase. In comparison to its predecessor Xamarin.Forms, the MAUI framework offers better performance, increased productivity and a more streamlined developer experience.

While both frameworks currently coexist in harmony, Microsoft plans to replace Xamarin entirely with the Maui framework by May 2024 when Microsoft’s official support for all Xamarin SDKs ends.

Eduard Frank, CTO at Scanbot SDK comments on this transition:

“Thanks to the Scanbot.NET MAUI SDK, our customers have the option to switch frameworks early and stay ahead of the curve — or wait until technology has found its footing in the developer community.”

The Benefits of Switching Early

Switching early could bring numerous benefits for developers. With platform-specific APIs included in the Maui framework accessing native device functionalities becomes easier than ever.

To help companies make this transition smoother and experience these benefits first-hand, Scanbot is offering a free 7-day trial license of their .NET MAUI SDK.

In conclusion, this new integration between Scanbot SDK and .NET MAUI represents an exciting opportunity for developers working on cross-platform app development projects. It not only allows them to leverage a single codebase but also enhances their performance by accessing native device functionalities more easily.

With such advancements continually shaping our technological landscape it’s clear that embracing these changes early can lead businesses towards more efficient workflows improving both employee experience as well as customer service.


