The Scanbot SDK is now available for the .NET MAUI framework, allowing enterprises to integrate reliable data capture solutions into their mobile applications. The SDKs are compatible with multiple platforms and frameworks, including Xamarin, React Native, and Flutter. The .NET MAUI framework offers improved performance and productivity compared to Xamarin.Forms. Scanbot SDK will continue to support the older framework until May 2024 when Microsoft's official support for Xamarin ends. Companies can try the Scanbot.NET MAUI SDK with a free 7-day trial license. This information is for general purposes only and does not constitute financial advice.

Scanbot SDK Revolutionizes Cross-Platform App Development with .NET MAUI: Enhancing Data Capture Solutions for Mobile Applications

The Scanbot SDK has made significant strides in data capture technology by announcing its availability for the .NET MAUI framework. This innovative move allows enterprises to integrate Scanbot SDK’s reliable data capture solutions into their mobile applications with ease, enhancing both employee and customer experiences.

Redefining Data Capture with .NET MAUI

The .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) is a sophisticated framework that enables developers to create native user interfaces and applications across multiple platforms using a single codebase. The introduction of the Scanbot SDK on this platform signifies a game-changing moment for cross-platform app development.

In contrast to its predecessor, Xamarin.Forms, the MAUI framework promises better performance, increased productivity, and a more streamlined developer experience. With Microsoft planning to phase out support for all Xamarin SDKs by May 2024, the introduction of Scanbot SDK on the MAUI platform is a timely and strategic move.

The Power of Barcode Scanner, Document Scanner and Data Capture SDKs

Scanbot’s robust suite of tools – Barcode Scanner, Document Scanner and Data Capture SDKs – offers an efficient solution to enterprises looking to eliminate slow and error-prone manual data entry processes. These tools are natively available for iOS, Android, Windows, Web and soon Linux. They also support common cross-platform frameworks including Xamarin, React Native and Flutter.

More than 200 enterprises worldwide trust Scanbot’s products for billions of scans each year – a testament to their reliability and efficiency.

Embracing Early Adoption

Eduard Frank, CTO at Scanbot SDK believes that early adoption of new technologies can drive competitive advantage. He states:

“Thanks to the Scanbot.NET MAUI SDK, our customers have the option to switch frameworks early and stay ahead of the curve — or wait until the technology has found its footing in the developer community.”

This perspective echoes an industry-wide belief that embracing innovation is key to staying relevant in today’s fast-paced digital world.

Platform-Specific APIs: A Step Towards Easier Access

One of the standout features of .NET MAUI is its inclusion of platform-specific APIs. This feature simplifies access to native device functionalities—an essential aspect for developers aiming at creating superior mobile applications.

To encourage testing and experimentation with this new offering, companies can access a free 7-day trial license for the Scanbot.NET MAUI SDK.

The integration of Scanbot SDK into .NET MAUI marks an exciting phase in cross-platform app development—one that promises enhanced performance, productivity and user experience.

Remember: The information in this article should not constitute any financial or investment advice.

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[^1^]: Scanbot.NET MAUI
[^2^]: 7-day trial license