Bitget, a crypto derivatives and copy trading platform, has announced a rebranding initiative to reinforce its position as a leader in innovative trading products. The campaign focuses on the "Trade smarter" philosophy, emphasizing Bitget's dedication to empowering individuals with intuitive tools for a secure and efficient financial future. The rebranding includes a new brand identity, vision, and visuals, as well as updates to the platform's visual identity to streamline the trading process. Bitget aims to bring about change in the industry and create a win-win situation for different types of traders. The exchange has seen significant growth in market shares and plans to continue enhancing its platform and launching AI-empowered features to assist users in trading smarter. Established in 2018, Bitget serves over 20 million users in more than 100 countries and regions.

Bitget Unveils Rebranding Initiative: Revolutionizing Crypto Trading with AI-powered Tools and User-friendly Products

Bitget, a prominent crypto derivatives and copy trading platform, has announced its latest rebranding initiative. The campaign is aimed at solidifying Bitget’s position as a pioneer in innovative trading products and reinforcing its “Trade smarter” philosophy.

A Dedication to Smarter Trading

Bitget’s commitment to empowering individuals with intuitive, user-friendly tools for a secure financial future is the cornerstone of this rebranding initiative. This commitment is reflected in their leading copy trading feature and the forthcoming AI-powered tools. By introducing these features, Bitget intends to bring about industry change, creating a win-win situation for diverse traders.

Bitget Unveils Rebranding Initiative to Reinforce Leadership in Smart Crypto Trading

Five Years of Transformation

Bitget’s 5-year journey has been a testament to our continuous technological transformation“, says Chen, the company spokesperson. “Today, as we unveil our new brand identity, vision and visuals, we reaffirm our dedication to shaping a smarter digital future.

Over 110,000 traders are currently contributing their trading strategies on the platform, with around 540,000 following them and leveraging their experience.

Visual Identity Overhaul

In addition to its philosophical shift towards smarter trading, Bitget is also updating its visual identity. The simplified graphics emphasize directionality—helping users find their own trading vector aligned with their investment goals.

The exchange will undergo a complete visual overhaul of its mobile and desktop versions in the next six months. This will make the trading process more streamlined, simple, and efficient.

Trailblazing User-Friendly Trading Products

For the past five years, Bitget has led innovation by prioritizing users’ needs to address complex challenges in trading. Today it remains at the forefront offering user-friendly trading products that set standards in the crypto industry.

Among the Top 5 CEXs (Centralized Exchanges), Bitget had the second-highest increase in market shares—growing by 1.81% to reach 8.7%. The exchange plans to keep enhancing its platform by launching helpful tools such as AI-empowered features that assist users in trading smarter.

A Future of Smarter Trading

Established in 2018, Bitget is an international leader offering Copy Trading services as one of its key features. Serving over 20 million users worldwide from more than 100 countries and regions—the exchange offers secure one-stop solutions for smart trading.

In addition to providing cutting-edge tools and services for individual traders—Bitget also collaborates with reputable partners like footballer Lionel Messi and eSports events organizer PGL—to inspire people across different spheres of life towards embracing cryptocurrency.


