A recent hack on the cross-chain protocol PolyNetwork has resulted in approximately $4 billion worth of malicious tokens being issued. However, due to low liquidity and security precautions, the attackers are unlikely to profit substantially from these tokens. The attackers exploited a smart contract function to manipulate the bridge's operation and create non-existent tokens on one network. Despite successfully minting billions of tokens across various blockchains, the attackers face hurdles in monetizing their gains, as the illicitly minted METIS tokens are locked on the PolyNetwork bridge. Limited liquidity and security measures severely restrict their ability to convert these tokens into substantial profits. PolyNetwork has temporarily suspended its services and is assessing the extent of the affected assets.

Attack on PolyNetwork Unleashes Billions in Malicious Tokens: The Shocking Crypto Hack that Shook the Blockchain Community

In a shocking and unprecedented move, attackers have managed to issue approximately $4 billion worth of malicious tokens on the cross-chain protocol PolyNetwork. This recent crypto hack has left the blockchain community reeling, with many questioning the security measures in place.

“Dear users, we would like to inform you that PolyNetwork is temporarily suspending its services due to a recent attack. We are actively engaging with relevant parties and diligently assessing the extent of the affected assets.”

The attackers cunningly exploited a smart contract function, manipulating the bridge’s operation and tricking it into issuing non-existent tokens on one network. It was an act of ingenious malice that rocked the foundations of our trust in blockchain technology.

Tokens Minted Across Multiple Blockchains

The audacity of this attack was not just confined to one blockchain. The attackers successfully minted billions of tokens across various blockchains including BNB, BUSD, and SHIB. It felt like an earthquake that shook multiple cities at once.

As someone who has been part of this industry for years, I’ve never seen such a widespread token minting exploit. The scale and audacity of this attack is truly staggering.

Limited Liquidity Hinders Monetization Efforts

However, even with this vast amount of illicitly acquired wealth, monetizing these gains has proven to be a significant hurdle for these cyber pirates. The low liquidity available for these tokens coupled with stringent security precautions has handcuffed their monetization efforts.

Moreover, in what can only be described as swift justice by code, the illicitly minted METIS tokens were locked on the PolyNetwork bridge by vigilant developers.

“In regards to the newly minted BNB and BUSD on Metis, there is no sell liquidity available.”

This swift action further impeded any potential monetization efforts by these unscrupulous actors. It served as a stark reminder that while blockchain may be exploited, it also holds mechanisms for self-correction and justice.


While it’s easy to focus on the shock value of this PolyNetwork attack which led to billions in malicious tokens being issued across different blockchains – it’s important not to lose sight of the larger picture here.

The ability for these attackers to convert these ill-gotten gains into substantial profits remains severely limited due to low liquidity and stringent security measures put in place by vigilant developers and exchanges. This incident should serve as a reminder about the inherent risks associated with crypto assets and highlight why taking proper security precautions is paramount for every user involved in crypto transactions.

In conclusion, while this event might be considered as one more entry into an already long list of crypto hacks – it also serves as proof that our community can rally together against such attacks. With continued vigilance and collective efforts towards enhancing security measures in our systems – we can hope for a future where such events become less frequent or even extinct.