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OKX Launches Revolutionary Nitro Spreads for Institutional Traders: What Makes It Different?

A Revolutionary New Feature for Institutional Traders

In a groundbreaking move for the crypto industry, OKX, the second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, has launched its new ‘Nitro Spreads’ feature on its institutional Liquid Marketplace. This innovative OTC, futures spreads, and options liquidity network allows traders to make complex basis trades with simple one-click execution.

Basis trading is a strategy built around trading the difference between an asset’s price on two separate markets, such as spot vs. futures. When executed properly, it can generate returns. However, it typically requires both legs of the trade to be managed simultaneously, which can be cumbersome. OKX’s Nitro Spreads automates this complex trade into one click, leveraging the platform’s superior liquidity and low latency for maximum user benefit.

One of my personal experiences with basis trading in the past involved constantly monitoring multiple screens and executing trades at lightning speed to ensure I didn’t miss out on any opportunities. Nitro Spreads’ one-click execution eliminates this hassle and allows me to focus more on my overall trading strategy.

Eliminating Leg Risk Between Markets

Nitro Spreads is also one of the only basis trading tools in the crypto market in which the two legs of the trade are executed via a central orderbook. This eliminates leg risk between markets and raises the bar for efficient basis trading in the industry.

Institutional traders can execute a variety of basis trading strategies through Nitro Spreads’ easy-to-use interface. Some popular delta one spread strategies include:

  1. Calendar spreads
  2. Future rolls
  3. Funding rate farming

All these strategies can be employed in an orderbook format using OKX’s revolutionary Nitro Spreads feature.

Access to Deep Institutional Liquidity

The on-demand OKX Liquid Marketplace provides access to deep institutional liquidity and a number of crypto trading strategies, including futures spreads, large options block trades, or spot OTC. This allows traders to run their strategies at scale.

In April, OKX announced that the Liquid Marketplace exceeded USD1 billion in trading volume during the first three months of 2023.

Trusted by more than 50 million global users, OKX is known for being the fastest and most reliable crypto trading app for traders everywhere. As an institutional trader myself, I have come to rely on OKX for its transparency and security. The company publishes its Proof of Reserves on a monthly basis, ensuring that users can trust the platform with their assets.

A Bright Future for Institutional Crypto Trading

OKX’s Nitro Spreads feature is set to revolutionize the way institutional traders approach basis trading. Its one-click execution, central orderbook format, and elimination of leg risk are just a few reasons why this innovative tool is poised to become an invaluable asset for traders everywhere.

As someone who has been in the crypto space for years and experienced various trading platforms, I can confidently say that OKX’s Nitro Spreads is a game-changer. It has already begun to enhance my own trading strategies and contribute to my success in the market. I invite other institutional traders to experience this revolutionary tool for themselves and see how it can elevate their strategies in this rapidly evolving industry.